Your All-in-One Resource Guide for Dog Care

We are your resource guide on dog care, health, grooming, behavior problems, training, tips and hints, nutrition, plus a whole lot more.
Most people don’t take the time to educate themselves on issues such as dog health care, proper dog grooming or behavioral problems. This can lead to spending hundreds of dollars on professional dog trainers or even veterinary bills unnecessarily. For instance, many dog owners aren’t aware of the fact that small breeds require different dog care needs than large breeds. It is extremely important to know what these needs are because they can cost you your dog’s life. A little knowledge goes a long way. A lot of knowledge can keep your dog happy and healthy for years to come. The information on this site is invaluable to both new and long time dog owners. There is so much to learn about your dog and all that information can be found here. Many dog owners are not aware of just how much is involved in proper dog care.
Solving your dog problems
Dog Nutrition: What you need to know
Dog Bathing: Learn proper bathing techniques that will make life easier for you and your dog
Dog Allergies: How to detect if your dog is suffering from them
Anal Sacs: What are they and how are they expressed?
Dog Barking: What to do if your dog barks at everything in sight
Dog Fears: How to help your dog cope
Dog Socializing: The best thing you can do for your dog
Crate Training: It’s easier than you think (and your dog will love it)
Spay-Neuter: The many advantages to spaying or neutering your dog
Dog Begging: How to train your dog to stop
Foods Dogs Should Avoid: Know which foods can be hazardous to your dog’s health
Dog Odor: A common problem with a simple solution
Dog/Child Interaction: Teach your child and your dog how to play together
Pica Dog Behavior: What is it and what can you do about it
Dog Growling: How to get him/her to stop
Please be advised that the information provided on this site is offered for research purposes only. We are intent in raising awareness on the various medical conditions and health issues that exist in dogs.
This information is NOT intended to replace the advice of a veterinarian, dog trainer or pet care professional.
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